Hourly prices
Arrival Berlin (-wide): 35 €
Working hours: Monday to Friday 10 a.m. to 13 a.m. & 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. (first 60 minutes, then every 15 minutes): 55 €
Emergency: outside working hours (first 60 minutes, then every 15 minutes): € 75
Fixed prices
DSL installation incl. Arrival: € 75 (Prerequisites: DSL connection provided by your ISP)
Wireless Konfiuration incl Arrival: € 75 (Max. 3 computers or stations)
Printer installation incl Arrival: € 75
Windows installation with latest updates, and all drivers (not possible on site, will be charged according to time): € 69.99
Tesla project:
Arrival Berlin (-wide): 35 €
Time and date as agreed (first 60 minutes, then every 15 minutes): 55 €
All prices incl. taxes.